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Showing 20-30 of 224 results
Leadership in Childcare and Early Years Education

Importance of Leadership in Childcare and Early Years Education

Leadership is a strong word that gets thrown around a lot, but many fail to incorporate key aspects into their centre. There's more to being a leader than simply adop...
Childcare occupancy rate - Cheqdin

15 Ways to Increase Your Settings Childcare Occupancy Rate

Our previous blog covered effective ways to market your childcare business. But marketing your business is only one component of your childcare success. Childcare occupan...
30 Ways to Market your Childcare Business

30 Ways to Market Your Childcare Business

Looking into childcare business marketing strategies for your business is often time-consuming and expensive. It seems there are countless options, both online and offlin...
mindfulness in the early years

Why is mindfulness important in the early years?

Virtually every educator understands the importance of the first five years of development. Rapid brain development lays a foundation for health, wellness, and happiness....
How to talk to children about loss?

How to Talk to Your Children About Loss and Grief

Learning how to deal with grief is a difficult but important part of childhood development. From losing pets to grandparents, early childhood experiences of loss help set...
Childcare Providers Can Fight Climate Change

7 Ways Childcare Providers Can Fight Climate Change

Although we've all heard the term climate change, few people actually know what it truly means. Even fewer people understand these changes' impact on our environm...
Trick or treating for Pre-schoolers 2021

Trick-or-treating in 2021 for Pre-schoolers

Halloween is a favourite holiday for children, with many parts of the world participating in the fun and festivity. The tradition dates back to the 16th century, with sli...
Mental Health in Early Years

Mental Health in Early Years

When a child is mentally healthy, they'll reach emotional, physical, and developmental milestones. They can develop healthy social skills and acquire proper coping me...
Creche Management Software_Cheqdin

Creche Management Software: The Next Big Thing in Creche Management

In higher demand than ever before, Creches satisfy a specific need that has otherwise been unavailable in the childcare setting. Unlike daycare centres, a creche is a day...
Healthy eating in the early years

12 Ways to Encourage Healthy Eating in the Early Years

Most adults know that healthy eating is essential for optimal health. We understand that drinking plenty of water, eating nutritious food, and watching what we put into o...