Dringhouses Out Of School Club
Dringhouses out of School Club is a trustee-run charity based at the Primary School we support. We run breakfast, after school and holiday clubs with a capacity of 55 children. Our after-school sessions are almost all full, and we have record numbers attending our breakfast club.
Our breakfast and after school clubs are for children who attend the school, and we love to see children from schools across the city join us in the holidays. We take part in the Holiday Activities and Food scheme; we strive to be a fully inclusive setting.
We have seven staff, all qualified or working towards qualifications in childcare.
Our trustees are almost all parents of children who attend the club.

Prior to Cheqdin we faced an administrative battle with registrations, daily registers and invoicing all being run off spreadsheets and word documents. The complexity of the Excel formulas required was unsustainable and was prone to human error…those errors affected our registers, invoicing, and GDPR compliance.
Maintaining records of allergies, permissions and medical information was inefficient and took up a lot of administrative and management time.
We also maintained a separate email list, the simple act of registering a child required duplication of information on, working from memory, four sources of data.
In summary our processes were not scalable as the club grew.
Registration of children is much simplified, instead of taking an email or handwritten form leaving us to plough through the admin, parents complete much of this simply by completing the registration form.
Managing daily registers no longer uses up time each day, once it’s set for the academic year all we now have to manage are cancellation, absences and ad-hoc bookings. A knock-on to this is we can now manage our waiting lists far better.
Invoicing has been simplified, even though we don’t yet use the Cheqdin invoicing function. We know we have a set of data that is accurate, we didn’t have that level of assurance prior to Cheqdin. Invoicing is now almost error-free and queries can be answered far more speedily.
Parents now book breakfast and holiday club sessions online, this removes extra administrative work for the club, people now expect to be able to book services online.