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Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Childcare occupancy rate - Cheqdin

15 Ways to Increase Your Settings Childcare Occupancy Rate

Our previous blog covered effective ways to market your childcare business. But marketing your business is only one component of your childcare success. Childcare occupan...

Childcare for Key workers' children

Offering Childcare for Key Workers’ Children: What Can Cheqdin Do to Help?

If you are a school, nursery or out-of-school club offering emergency childcare for critical care workers, we have something for you. We are now offering our platform for...

What is Cheqdin 2.0 all about

A Look at What Cheqdin 2.0 is All About

What does our new Cheqdin platform hold for you? Simply put, it will save you tons of time and give you access to some fabulous management features (the kind you nor...