Showing 10-14 of 14 results
Cheqdin Childcare Digest August 2019

Cheqdin Childcare Digest August 2019

August has been one incredible month for the Cheqdin family. We launched two of our much-awaited modules - Direct Debit and Rules-Based Invoicing and added a whole n...

Fee collection for after-school clubs using Direct Debit

How Can Direct Debit Make a Difference for After-School Clubs?

1. Brings down late payments A recent survey by BACS reveals nearly one-third of small and medium businesses in the UK are forced to wait more than two months to get...

Childcare Payment Collection by Direct Debit - Myths Vs Facts

Childcare Payment Collection With Direct Debit: Myths Vs Facts

Since its inception more than 50 years ago, direct debit has evolved from a complex, admin-heavy payment collection system to one of the simplest, easy-to-use paymen...

Cheqdin launches fully automated direct debit for childcare providers

Cheqdin Launches UK’s First Fully-Automated Direct Debit Solution for Childcare Providers

We are incredibly excited to announce the launch of our much-anticipated module - a fully-automated direct debit solution for childcare providers. Following the rele...