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Showing 1-5 of 5 results

Childcare occupancy rate - Cheqdin

15 Ways to Increase Your Settings Childcare Occupancy Rate

Our previous blog covered effective ways to market your childcare business. But marketing your business is only one component of your childcare success. Childcare occupan...

Resuming childcare places in 2021

How Likely Are Parents to Resume Formal Childcare by Early 2021

Recent research by Ipso Mori suggests a positive trend in the uptake of childcare places in the UK. The research shows 94% of parents whose children were receiving childc...

Increase occupancy for childcare centre during the pandemic

How to Attract Parents to Your Childcare Centre During the Pandemic

Even as the world slipped into lockdown, ‘childcare’ was among the few sectors that chugged on through the crisis, supporting other frontline workers. However, d...

Run your out of school club at full capacity

How Can Cheqdin Help You Run Your Out Of School Club at Full Capacity?

Picture this: You have a maximum capacity of 30 for your after school club. The staff: children ratio requirement is 1:8. You have around 25 children on contract ses...