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So you have found the premises for your out of school club, come up with a business name and started your paperwork. Now, what about your website? With 97% of customers now turning to the internet to find a local business (via both mobile and desktop searches) and 70% of customers subscribing to a service based on the information they find online, a website is a marketing asset you cannot afford to skip anymore.

So, what are the major considerations to make when creating a website for your out of school business?

Building your Website

When it comes to building a website, you have two choices. You can get a professional website designer to build you a multi-page website (which can be quite expensive), or use an online website builder like Weebly or Unbounce (for single-page websites) and build one yourself.

Online website builders are pretty straightforward to use. All you need to do is choose a template, add your company information, create some content about your club, add a few pictures and you are good to go.

Now, if you would to take it up another notch and include your own online registration and bookings page, out-of-school-club software like Cheqdin offer these features as free/affordable add-ons, which you can easily add to your website. You can create your custom registration and bookings link once you sign-up for a Cheqdin account, and follow the instructions provided to embed the links to your website.

Home Page

This will act as your main landing page – the doorway to the rest of your website. The idea of this page is to give your visitors a quick lowdown of what your services all about. Make sure you do not cram this page with content.

Keep the home page simple, appealing and easy-on-the-eye (with plenty of white space) and leave the details for the information pages. Try to sum up the following on the homepage:

  • What does your club do? What activities do you offer?
  • Who is the club aimed at? What are the age groups you will cater to?
  • Why should they sign up their child for your club? What makes your club stand apart from the rest of the clan?
  • Where do you offer your classes?
  • How much does it cost?
  • How can they register their child at your club? Do they visit your centre, call you or email you for a registration pack? Or can they do it online?


  • A little bit about you, why you started the club and what makes your club different
  • Accreditations, awards or industry certifications if any


Use this page to elaborate on each of the services you provide such as breakfast/after school club, holiday playscheme, activity clubs etc.

  • Operating time
  • Location/local venue
  • Cost
  • What is included
  • Contact number/ email id

Parent Info

  • The things your child will need to bring
  • Policies, procedures and safety arrangements
  • Your staff: child ratios
  • Details of how to book sessions (with a link to your bookings page if you are collecting your bookings online)
  • Frequently Asked Questions

So, if you have been putting off your website project because you thought it was way too complicated, way too expensive or just because you thought your business doesn’t need a website, think again. Getting a web presence is quite simple, and with the options available these days, there are plenty of choices to suit every budget and requirement.

Interested in finding out more about Cheqdin's out of-school-club software and our exciting new online registration and booking features?

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