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Showing 10-20 of 42 results
Online payment for childcare providers

How Online Payments Will Shape the Future of Payment Collection in Childcare

The pandemic hasn’t left any industry untouched. Faced with the option of adapting to the rapid change or shutting down shop, businesses across the globe are swi...

happy new year 2021

A New Year Message from Us to You

Dear Cheqdin Family, As we finally leave behind a year we were totally unprepared for; we thank each and every one of you and the entire childcare sector for the remar...

nursery management software

The Easiest Way to Automate Your Nursery Admin

COVID has shaken up the way childcare businesses operate. As new regulations and responsibilities add on stress and daily workload, automating repetitive admin can go a l...

How to Create an Online Student Registration System in 4 Simple Steps

If you have been contemplating a move away from traditional paper-based enrolment, there's never been a better time to take the leap.  With COVID changing the way w...

ProTip#4: A Quick Solution to Update Registration Forms

For all the times you’ve had to struggle chasing parents to update registration forms, here's an easy fix to get the process done like clockwork. This specific fun...

Ways to leverage Cheqdin during Covid Closure

Cheqdin ProTip#3: Ways to Leverage Cheqdin If You Are Operating During COVID Closure

If your centre is operating during the COVID closure period, do remember to make full use of Cheqdin’s capabilities to enable safer working practices, bring down y...
Tag: protips,

Run your out of school club at full capacity

How Can Cheqdin Help You Run Your Out Of School Club at Full Capacity?

Picture this: You have a maximum capacity of 30 for your after school club. The staff: children ratio requirement is 1:8. You have around 25 children on contract ses...

Manage online bookings

Cheqdin ProTip#2:  Managing Your Online Booking Slots on CheqBook

You would’ve noticed how the number of available places at your setting gets automatically updated on your booking platform every day. Our system does this like a ...

choosing a class registration software

10 Things To Look For When Choosing a Class Registration Software

As all of us adapt to a new way of life and explore innovative ways of functioning in the post-pandemic world, paperless administrative solutions are among the tools...

Cheqdin ProTip#1: The Best Ways to Showcase Your CheqForm

Our new ProTip series will give you simple tips and tricks on how to make the most of Cheqdin. Tip 1# The Best ways to showcase your CheqForm You’d know by now th...